Teaser Tuesday 08-19

teaser tuesdayTeaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading. Anyone can play along! Just do the following:

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Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page


indexOn Writing Horror

(A Handbook by the Horror Writers Association)

  edited by

Mort Castle


About the book:

Edited by the Horror Writers Association (HWA), a worldwide organization of writers and publishing professionals dedicated to promoting dark literature, On Writing Horror includes exclusive information and guidance from 58 of the biggest names in horror writing to give you the inspiration you need to start scaring and exciting readers and editors.


Teaser Sentences:

As you read, your body occupied space in RealityLand–but you, the thinking, feeling, imagining, real you, were literally somewhere else.


You were walking the suburban streets or city alleys, the forest paths or sandy beaches of a fictional world as you shard the adventures and thoughts and emotions of that world’s people, people you had come to know and to care about.


The quotes are from Mort Castle’s section “Reality and the Waking Nightmare: Setting and Character in Horror Fiction”. He discusses how a reader can get lost in a book. Boy, did I relate. Many times when I read I see a movie playing out instead of the written page.

All the things I’ve discovered about writing has been been discovered before. I could spend years  trying to get my words just right or I could go to the masters and see what they have to say. I don’t always find my answers in the pages I have, so I’ll check with other writers, or see what the internet has to say.

Sometime I land up reading about something completely off my original subject. I never seem to care. If I don’t find the answers I’m looking for I’ll find inspiration, motivation, or a story idea.

What do you do when you need answers:? I’d love to hear about it.:-)

27 responses to “Teaser Tuesday 08-19

  1. Whatever it takes to get motivation or inspiration!
    Your tease was loaded with atmosphere itself.
    Here is my tease from Windigo Soul – http://fuonlyknew.com/2014/08/19/teaser-tuesdays-76-windigo-soul-by-robert-brumm/

  2. How very interesting! Even though I’m not a writer, I think I’d enjoy any section by an author I’ve read.

    My TT this week is from The Sea Wolf by Jack London http://wp.me/pZnGI-bA

    • Warning: Going into a writer’s mind can be a scarey place. hehehe

      I hope you do take a look. Sometime reading about how we live our lives and our point of view can be enlightening. 🙂

      Popping over for a visit to your site now.

  3. This sounds like an inspiring book with good advice for writers of all genres. If I’m stuck when writing, I refer to several books on the shelf by my computer. My favorite is The Lie That Tells a Truth by John Dufresne.
    My Teaser is from KATIE & THE IRISH TEXAN.

    • Nice to know that I’m not the only one looking for inspiration or answers. Thanks for the title; I’ve made a note. 🙂

      And Thanks for dropping by. On my way to your post now.

  4. I love how-to-write books… they usually have such great excerpts and anecdotes!

    Here’s my teaser:

  5. Interesting. I think we can all learn something from most anything, if we keep an open mind.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. lol Horror is so not my genre.

  7. Those a great teasers to motivate us writers. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I love when books sweep you up into a new world. You are apart of that world for one split moment and everything else fades away. I’ve found it strange when I do read that I always have a different voice for each character like across books too. Where do these voices come from? Books spark imagination so well. Great teaser! I love thinking about or talking about books so much.

  9. jenniferbielman

    I love books on writing. I want to try Stephen Kings.

  10. This sounds like a really neat book. I will be adding it to my reading list. Hope to get to it real soon 🙂

  11. When I have trouble writing a scene, I flip back through books I’ve read before, looking for a similar situation. Obviously I can’t copy what they wrote, but at least the example gives me ideas about how to setup and move through the scene.

  12. How-to books are so motivational when it comes to writing. I love them.

If you're new to writing, ask me anything and if you're experienced, feel free to share what you know. Learning something new in the craft is always welcome.

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