Writing Voice–Finding it, Using it

Here are the other two links on Voice if you care to read more: : Your Writer’s Voice Makes Old Stories Fresh & Where’s The Story’s Voice?

I spent quite a bit of time looking up all the facets of the writing voice. Amazingly enough we all have one, even if it is hidden behind the educational realm of writing etiquette. Because of where we keep it, digging it out is a more accurate term than finding it. We dig it out, tap into it, and learn to use it to avoid flat monotone, thick flowery, or insane flamboyant writing that turns a reader off. Taking the time to free our voice makes us one of the most unique creatures in the universe.

There are tons of sites that describe the writing voice, and here’s my favorite:

“Anything you write should still have your voice: something that makes your writing sound uniquely like you.” From Wheaton College’s Website

When I read the quote above, I thought of the part of me that isn’t held back by grammar, punctuation, or any other writing rule. Its the source of my creativity and the one thing truly unique to me.

Digging it out? Maybe I meant setting it free like when we tell a story aloud. If you’re like me, your voice will change depending on the audience and their number. I use a quieter voice when too many people are around, and I’m feeling shy and a little embarrassed. Then there are the moments, and this is where my writing voice thrives, when I’m completely comfortable, and the story I’m telling builds momentum with each oh or ah, motivating me to be passionate, vivid and expressive. My story comes alive, living only momentarily unless I capture it some how.

So I write as fast as I can type. When free, this wonderful voice seeps into my characters, descriptions, and plots. Emotions, reactions, and passions flow freely. Through these elements a story is born with all the required drama and tension. As it comes to life I notice my authorial voice change. It grows, expands, reshapes itself.

Some think that standing up right, or living in communities makes us great, above all other creatures. To me It is the ability to create something wonderful out of nothingness. Using the writer’s voice is how we can make a story so real it can live in others for a lifetime. Or on rarer occasions, a story that can live for generations. To me, it is this that makes the human being truly great.

18 responses to “Writing Voice–Finding it, Using it

  1. Great post. I agree with having your own voice and I think it shows in a persons writing. That is when it shines through and captures your audience.

  2. I like how you talk about using different voices with different audiences. It’s so true. 🙂

  3. I use this method when writing my reviews. I just type up my thoughts and skip everything else from sentence structure to spelling. Then I go back and structure it a bit. I let it ferment for a week and then do final tweak..LOL

  4. I try to do this as well and I think sometimes it shows, well, at least I hope you can always “hear” my voice in my reviews (since I am not an author). I think our voice is what makes our writing truly unique, whether it is our personality showing through or whatever.

  5. Love this. I think finding my writing voice was the easiest part for me. I always had a unique voice and it worked so well on paper.

  6. Great post, Em!! I’m the same. When I am in a crowd, I’m quite shy, and very careful what I say, therefore suppressing/holding back ‘my voice’ but if I’ve known you for ages, then it’s completely different. On writing voice, my 2013 NaNo is one of the examples. It’s a romantic comedy. And since I wasn’t holding myself back in terms of grammatical errors and sentence structure, it’s surprisingly good. Voice is really important. 🙂

  7. I understand completely what you are saying. No matter there is something in the way we structure words that’s uniquely us. I can tell you my brother’s writing style from many other people.

  8. Yep, I’ve never been a fan of sticking to the rules 😉
    We’ve gotta let our voices free!

  9. Pingback: Your Writer’s Voice Makes Old Stories Fresh | Shout With Emaginette

  10. Pingback: Where’s The Story’s Voice? | Shout With Emaginette

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