Tag Archives: blogging

IWSG 113: Blogging Over 12 Years


This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our encouragement or insecurities on the first Wednesday of the month, to join the group or find out more click here.



Janet Alcorn | T. Powell Coltrin | Natalie Aguirre | Pat Garcia


 How long have you been blogging? (Or on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram?) What do you like about it and how has it changed?

I’ll confess just between the two of us, social media is not for me. I tried it and failed. It felt too much like screaming at a wall. A huge, hard, unresponsive wall. And when I finally got responses, twitter suspended me. So Yay!

Blogging wasn’t much better at first. I’ve done it for years, but I don’t have much of a following compared to some who’ve been doing for half or a quarter of my time. That said, I wouldn’t have an online writing community without it.

Why, you ask.

I live in vanillavile with very few writers amongst us. We—the writers and I—have mingled and chatted but never really got down to critiquing each other. Their meetings are more reading their latest aloud and everyone there raving over them.

I need a street of two-way honesty. A way to offer feedback that didn’t take the light out of someone’s eyes but put determination in them. Or inspired the imagination. Or solidified roads to where our writing would go. I turned to the virtual world for something my little community didn’t have.

Has it changed? No. I did.

I was fearful at first. I didn’t know who was on the other end of the virtual world I’d dip into. Caution and suspicion is hard to let go of. But I’ve never met anyone that was malicious in the writing community. Maybe I’m lucky or too naive to get it, but the worst thing that happened was several one-way critiques.

If I called that paying my dues, I’m good with it. Now, I have critters I trade with weekly.

Fantasy Writer’s Week is Coming Up

And if anyone is interested, ProWritingAid is hosting Fantasy Writer’s Week in April. Click here if you want to learn more.


I don’t know if it changed, but I know I have. What about you? Have you changed over the years of blogging, etc.?