Line Edits—They’re Here.

Well, I’m sure you’ve read about Line Edits. How they are scary. How they make you rethink everything you’ve written. How it is a necessary evil to get published. Well, I just got my copy back from J Taylor’s line editor.

What are Line Edits?

“Line editing refers to prose. It’s about the craft of writing, and that means paragraph structure, sentence flow, word choice, and language-related techniques. That also means voice, style, readability, and forward movement. And in fiction it means the difference between scenes and exposition.” From

What do Line Edits mean to me?

I’ve read that editors jobs are straight forward. They examine each sentence keeping the voice of the copy while improving the writing.

I was amazed. It was my story no doubt about it, but it was as if coffee with emaginette, coffee cup image, lineart coffee cup, coffee cup picture,my little blossom bloomed before my eyes. The tension builds steadily to an explosive climax. The characters are much more alive and adding up all the other elements equals an incredible story—If you don’t mind me saying.

What is expected from the author?

The email simply stated I might be upset by what I read and I was advised not to look back at the original copy, but to examine the revised copy. I had one job and that was to make sure my voice still rung true throughout and to correct it where it failed.

There wasn’t a lot to fix, but I did as suggested. Because I focused on the new copy, I wasn’t upset at all.

How do I feel about Line Edits?

Teamwork makes such a difference with any idea, or project. Everyone brings their best to the table and the spark of creation becomes so much grander. Which of course  explains the boardroom of corporations, the PTA, City Council, the critique/writing groups, and the writers, editors, and artists of publishing houses.

I had no idea what went on until now. The more I learn about the process the more excited I am about it. I truly do feel privileged to be part of the publishing world.

What’s Next?

I’m not completely sure, but I can’t wait for you to read an excerpt. When you read it you’ll see why I’m so excited about “Time Piece” and the “One More Day” anthology.

16 responses to “Line Edits—They’re Here.

  1. Congrats on getting your first line edits!!!! They can be quite scary – so glad you plowed through & are thrilled with the final results. 🙂

  2. How exciting for you. I love the line edit process, and you learn so much along the way. So glad your pleased with your story. I can’t wait to read it. 🙂

  3. Such a positive response to line edits! Good for you. it’s amazing how someone can look at our writing and tell us things we need to hear to make our writing better. It’s definitely a learning experience.

  4. Oh this is so cool, Em! I love line edits cos they make my prose beta, the story more enjoyable. Hope you are having fun! 🙂 And I totally look forward to reading your books,

  5. I can’t wait for the day when an editor is giving me line edits. That will be great! And terrifying…

    Sarah Allen
    (From Sarah, With Joy)

  6. Hey, great article, thanks. I look forward to reading more.

  7. I got mine not too long ago, too. I was very happy with the final result. One little niggle but I think it can be worked out. Congrats on yours. I’m glad you didn’t end up in a basket of shed tears. Of course J. Taylor has fantastic editors. Good luck with your piece. I can’t wait to read all of them

  8. Had never heard of line edits before, but it does sound a little scary to have someone tweaking your work. Glad that you made it through okay! 🙂

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