IWSG 64: Writing Space


This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our encouragement or insecurities on the first Wednesday of the month, to join the group or find out more click here.



Gwen Gardner | Doreen McGettigan | Tyrean Martinson | Chemist Ken | Cathrina Constantine


If you could pick one place in the world to sit and write your next story, where would it be and why?

This will be quick.

My place doesn’t have a GPS location. It’s somewhere deep inside my head. A place where I’ve lived since I was a child. the place of pretend. I see what I need to see. Hear what I hear. And the smells…

I love it there.

Although I want to visit often, it can be elusive. I can sit staring at a screen for a long time before I travel to this magical place. Sometimes I have to read what I’ve written already.

Or play some mood music or sounds to get me there.

And when I arrive… Well it’s tricky capturing what goes on around me. I can’t type fast enough. I can’t note everything in the same intensity I experience it. I may re-write the scene several times.

The point is I try to capture as much as I can.

The true test of success is when I read it again later. By later I mean months or even years. Do I go back to the moment where it all began?

What about you, is your writing space something more?

82 responses to “IWSG 64: Writing Space

  1. Hi,
    I can relate to this so well, but my magical world is also elusive. It reveals itself when I walk down the steps to my basement and close the door. Suddenly, it is there.
    I really enjoyed reading this.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G @ EverythingMustChange

  2. That place in my mind where I suddenly slip into that writer’s mode can be hard for me to find sometimes. But when it does, it’s great. It’s always great to go back to something you wrote some time ago and think — Wow! Did I actually write that?

  3. I love your descriptions of your mind, your location. Happy IWSG Day Anna 🙂

  4. Traveling there in your head is much more effective.

  5. I used to have pretend places too in my mind. I need to go there more as I write. Hope I can soon.

  6. Ah, yes, getting inside our own heads and putting all those scenes, characters, and stories into a written form. That takes concentration and a bit of inspiration. You’re a great writer. Keep going!
    Mary at Play off the Page

  7. Love this! I enjoy going deep in the mind as well – there really is no better way to travel!

  8. I love that–a place without GPS. In those nanoseconds before my eyes moved on, I speculated where the heck that would be. Perfect answer.

  9. Deep inside my head hasn’t been much of a writing space for me for a long while this year. But if I had to choose, instead of a place, it’s an object. The chair JK Rowling sat in to write her Harry Potter books. Maybe, hopefully I might soak up her ingenuity and perseverance. Maybe my inspiration will be revitalized.

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    I like your answer. Most of our writing is in our heads, not in our location.

  11. This is unique, I haven’t seen this answer yet today. And it’s really the one which makes the most sense! We do have to disappear into ourselves to write.

  12. T. Powell Coltrin

    Wow! I love this so much. You are creative my dear!

  13. You’ve nailed it. This is the perfect spot!

  14. I love this idea. The magical worlds inside ourselves and so often elusive.

  15. You’ve touched on one of the wonderful reasons to write. Those words can take you back to that specific moment and you can experience it again.

  16. I love how your space is in your mind. That’s perfect!

  17. Aw. “The place of pretend.” I love my own place of pretend, too. I’ve visited there ever since I was twelve, when I created a world for my characters. 🙂

  18. That place inside is often elusive for me. All the life distractions have sidetracked me from ultimate submersion. I have glimpses and moments. I grab them when I can. Happy IWSG Day!

  19. I love losing myself in my head. Or maybe it’s finding myself in my head. In any event, I always think of it as something akin to the land in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

  20. Since I’ve been reading White Light, I’d say you do a wonderful job of capturing what goes on around you as you write.

  21. I love your writing space!! The perfect place.

  22. Nice! That ideal place is probably interior for a lot of us, though I answered this one with an external physical place in mind. Sounds like you should call your place “The Zone”! @samanthabwriter from
    Balancing Act

  23. Rereading my WIP takes me into that world. I love how you describe it. My imagination sweeps me away to a planet far, far away or a Lake Michigan resort town similar to where I live but exists only in my imagination. What a wonderful place that is.

  24. That’s a cool idea! The secret, special place inside your head–love it.

  25. Like you, my writing space is inside my head, as well. It appears once I’m facing a wall in silence, or, in a noisy cafe with earplugs. I have no clue why 🙂

  26. I like your take on the prompt – and it is so true, it is the place inside your head that doesn’t always appear unless you make space for it. Happy IWSG day.

  27. What a great answer! This place can be very elusive, but when we find it, we never want to leave. 🙂

  28. I think that is so cool, that it’s a place inside your imagination. I love that, Anna!

  29. Ah, that elusive place where writing flows. I wish it was easier to find it.

  30. This is a wonderful sentiment! My own writing place is a physical location in my home. I call it my writing sanctuary. I’ve put a lot of thought into how my sanctuary is laid out, because it’s meant to help me find that Zen-like state where writing happens most easily. Which means, I suppose, that the real writing place is somewhere inside after all!

  31. A lot goes on in that magical place. Sometimes my residents welcome me and are chatty,other times they frown and don’t want to talk. But yes, once tapped in and things come easily, that is the best moment.

  32. Angela Wooldridge

    A perfect answer – you don’t really need any place other than that one in your head 🙂

  33. This is the best answer I’ve seen. Perfect! I loved reading it.

  34. That is a beautiful answer to the question. I love it.

  35. Victoria Marie Lees

    Staring at the computer screen. It’s a disease I have as well. All best to you, Anna!

  36. This was beautiful. That special place of pretend – it’s safe and free, boundless. I need to remember this.

  37. I know several people that can escape into their own worlds. How wonderful that you are one of them. I could never do that. I dreamed of far away locations that I read about as a kid. My parents bought us kids World Encyclopedias… the internet was barely a dream back then with computers just starting to come into fruition. So I had World Book at my fingertips… I planned all the places I would visit as an adult. And… I was lucky enough to visit a great deal of them in my 20’s and early 30’s. Now I look back at them and remember them with fondness. I often incorporate my experiences into my writing. I am a visual person, so I need to actually SEE things. I do have a wonderful imagination and I can certainly embellish on the lovely places I have seen.

  38. Amazing, Anna! And, you can take that world with you wherever in the no-pretense world as well. I never escape to a place like that, but do find inspirational moments, where non-fiction ideas pop up like weeds. Usually in a place (shower, hiking trail) or at a time (midnight) when I can’t possibly write anything of this greatness down!

  39. Getting into the mental place to write can be harder than finding the right physical location sometimes – but it’s the most important part, I think.

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