IWSG # 10 – Thank You’s All The Way Around

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our encouragement or insecurities on the first Wednesday of the month, to join the group or find out more click here.


How do I feel this month? How insecure? How inspired?

I shouldn’t feel half as good as I do. I’ve received four rejections since the first of the negative-42774_1280year and somehow I’m okay with it. Why?

I’m not completely sure. It might be the feedback I’m getting from my previous blog post. Who wouldn’t feel just fine after all the warm fuzzies.

Or It could be because I completed the darn project, and I have a sense of accomplishment.

Or it could be because that’s what all writers do; They submit their work, cross their fingers, and take it on the chin when rejected. Taking my spot among the writers of the world rocks big time.

Or it could be because of this very group. The constant help I’m offered. The support. It note-605326_1280is a wonderful feeling of being part of something greater than myself. I like it very much. I’ve grown because of it, and I feel better, safer.

So thank you for being there, for every little thing that makes my day brighter and thank-you-394180_1280gentler, for another month of posts that I’ll soon be reading. And my new friends. You know who you are.

If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. Because I know I owe all of you, and may never be able to pay you back in full.

So what’s it like to be someone’s hero? Look in the mirror and tell me all about it.

69 responses to “IWSG # 10 – Thank You’s All The Way Around

  1. Very sweet! You are absolutely correct– if you’re not being rejected you aren’t a real writer, traditionally speaking. So, Anna, cherish those rejections (as hard as they are to receive) because it means you’re all that much closer to your goal!

  2. Just remember how many times Rowlings was rejected before someone finally said yes and look how successful she is now!

  3. I know what you mean about how great this group is. Rejection is absolutely part of a writer’s life and it’s good that you can roll with it as par for the course. I love how writers talk about “good” rejection letters (i.e. detailed feedback) and the varying shades of rejection therein. There’s the “almost there” rejection and the form rejection that just means it wasn’t right for the publication. Just keep writing and putting it out there. It’s what we do.

  4. Aw! I am so happy you are able to feel like you can accept rejection and move on. You are accomplishing so much by putting yourself out there and I would think you are learning so much about writing in the process.

  5. Hey, Anna, nice idea to give thanks. I know what you mean, and I thank you for your friendship too! As to those pesky rejections, Chuck Wendig would say, ‘Just be happy you’re out there, doing what you do, gathering the battle scars that prove you’ve been in the arena.’ 🙂

  6. LOL, I had my first rejection last year. It did not bring me down like I thought it might, instead I thought, Heh, I’m a writer, lol. It is kind of like building callous on your fingers, when learning to play the guitar. The harder the callous the easier it is to play and it is sign of the time you spent playing., lol Thank you for being a friend too.
    Juneta at Writer’s Gambit

  7. I absolutely love this – “Taking my spot among the writers of the world rocks big time.” You know it! 🙂

  8. It’s funny. I was watching Grey’s Anatomy last week in which a character with a brain tumor was telling another doctor to stop giving people hope because it could be an insidious thing, and I found myself thinking, then as now, that hope is that little germ which keeps us working towards our goals, keeps us pushing over that last hump or, in the case of a sick family member, doing our best to keep their spirits up. As the saying goes, “hope springs eternal” and who but writers can truly embody that? If it weren’t for hope, we’d all just be writing for ourselves.

    • I’m not sure anyone should see what I write for myself. hehehe

      Hope is a wonderful thing. You’re right, and I’m forever grateful in runs in all of us. 🙂

      • I know what you mean. I have a lot of what I call “brain dumps” in which I just let loose and type whatever comes into my head. Sometimes it’s a rant, and sometimes it’s something I re-read 20 years later and realize I’ve been missing my personal boat for a very long time!

  9. The support from this group is absolutely amazing!
    And yes, the sense of accomplishment is a darn good one to make us feel great and positive even in the face of rejection.

    This: “So what’s it like to be someone’s hero? Look in the mirror and tell me all about it.” is awesome! 🙂

  10. Ha! It’s because of “all of the above”: you have accomplished a lot and you ain’t a writer if you ain’t getting rejections, so, congratulations are in order! 🙂 Hugs!

  11. My sister told me recently that rejection doesn’t mean you’re not a writer. It just means that the place to which you sent your work can’t mold you to their brand, but there IS a place for you…and perhaps if traditional publishing doesn’t open a seat at their table, you’ll find your space in independent publishing. And watch those big time publishers come knocking on your door when you make it big!

  12. It’s good to hear that you’ve gain some perspective on rejection. This group is a great support.

  13. At a certain point, we can let those rejections slide right off us, too. Rejections might have been a nightmare back when we first started, but once we know how often they come to every writer out there, rejections no longer hold their sway. Especially when an acceptance is still possible when the right time and agent/editor comes along.

  14. You are such a sweetheart, Anna. You could inspire the most insecure IWSGer to persevere.

    I’ll admit it. I’ve had dozens of rejections. Short story rejections, query rejections, manuscript rejections. As someone once said to me, rejection doesn’t mean you aren’t good enough. It means the other person failed to see what you have to offer.

    VR Barkowski

  15. Yep, writing reels like a wash, rinse, repeat cycle. We’re not always successful with each cycle, but we have to keep trying.

  16. I’m right there with you when it comes to rejections. Although in the past a rejection felt like a stab at my heart. But lately I’m alright with it. Even happy. Because sometimes, written along those rejections are personal comments from the editor. And that’s enough to put a smile on my face. As long as you keep writing and submitting, one day those rejections are sure to turn into accepted.

  17. this is almost just like my post this month. Lots of thank you’s and reasons why I appreciate the support. I was on the brink of quitting, but one comment kept me going.
    Keep your chin up. You’re not alone.

  18. Not all writers take it on the chin! It’s great to have a thick skin as a writer, and it can take a long time to grow one. Rejections make us better writers, and while some of them really hurt at the time, they are how we improve. Keep up that great attitude!

  19. Good to hear you’re gaining a thicker skin. I started off the year with a rejection too. It’s just the way it goes for us writers. We just have to keep pushing on! Good luck. 🙂

  20. You are so right about this group. Each month I feel so lifted up by the generosity of you all. So I’m adding my “Thanks” to Anna’s.

  21. I’m feeling the love. Rejections are proof that you’re finishing projects, sending them out, looking for the right publisher and reader. Heck ya, Celebrate!
    Play off the Page

  22. It’s likely your natural positive attitude that sees each setback as an opportunity to move forward. You’re doin’ great, Anna!

  23. I love how grounded you are, and maybe it is because you are doing what you are passionate about and know it will happen.

  24. What a wonderful attitude you have! With an outlook like that, you can’t help but succeed. Thumbs up!

  25. Don’t ever give up! rejection is part of life (specially if you are a writer).
    I’m glad you are happy despite all, it’s amazing that you can see the good in everything.
    🙂 Love,
    Ruty @Reading…Dreaming

  26. Rejection is always hard to deal with, but the more we expose ourselves to it, the better we learn how to move on. It’s just part of being a writer, but there’s also all this positive, like awesome and supportive writing buds, seeing your name printed on a cover or in amazon, and setting an example to our kids to follow their dreams no matter what.

    Great post!

  27. Your positive attitude is inspirational. You put a huge smile on my face this morning…

  28. The writing community is awesome! =)

  29. jenniferbielman

    Loving your attitude! So happy you feel supported and upbeat. 🙂

  30. Wish I had been one of those people. lol Nice to meet you! Encouragement is always so uplifting when the rejections roll in.

  31. Rejection is hard to deal with, so glad that you’re taking it so well! All writers have to deal with it and it’s great that you’re not taking it personally. Hopefully you received some constructive feedback as well instead of just a form letter, as form letters are annoying. Guess that’s one of my pet peeves! Here’s to a great February and a mailbox full of acceptance letters! 🙂

    Terri @ Alexia’s Books and Such…

  32. Such an inspiring post, Anna! 😀
    (I always think back to my 8 rejections within two weeks… toughened me up nicely…)

  33. What a nice post! I feel the same way about the IWSG. It’s a great bunch of people.

    I’m trying a different approach to rejections this year. I’m striving to get 100 of them. Not only will this force me to submit my work more often, it will change the way I think about rejections, as I’m hoping to collect them. 🙂

  34. Thank you! You’re always there with loveliness and great support. You’re like the Victoria’s Secret bra of my blog buds and I mean that in the best way 🙂

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