IWSG 12 — Am I Ready?

This post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our encouragement or insecurities on the first Wednesday of the month, to join the group or find out more click here.


It funny how I thought that writing was solo thing, because it’s not. Our community reaching out the first of every month is hard proof of that. But it goes deeper, doesn’t it? Every time we learn something new, we blog about it. It’s like we can’t help reaching out and supporting other writers. I’ve come to depend on many of you for your blog posts and your comments. I feel pretty lucky to a part of something so grand.

I look back and realize what I’ve accomplished so far. Heck I took a couple writing courses on fiction. And then tried for an anthology.

Although I thought I knew about writing, I didn’t.

Thanks to blog posts, and books I’ve come a long way. I suppose we all have.

Helping others has become the theme of my blog. I always wondered what content would suit me best and I’m pretty sure I’ve found it. Writing about writing is my go to place. It’s like finding a gold nugget, and screaming about it. Everyone makes their own discoveries in their own time. My nuggets are more for the new writer.

What am I insecure about this month? I’m worried about following my heart and sharing my writing discoveries. I want to help others as I have been helped, am worried about losing followers because I want to change my blog around and promote myself as a writing expert (of sorts). I don’t want to sound like an arrogant know-it-all, but want to sound creditable as I explain basic writing elements and how to use them.

Well there it is. Got any advice for me?

79 responses to “IWSG 12 — Am I Ready?

  1. Yes. You gear your blog to what you’re passionate about. You may lose some, but you’ll gain others. Helping new writers is important and rewarding, a commendable focus. This is, after all, your blog. It’s important, and necessary, that you’re happy with its focus. Your passion will shine through, and that can be infectious.

  2. You need to go with your gut, listen to your heart. That passion will come across in your work, and readers will respond to that. 🙂

  3. Speaking only for myself, I can say that you are a wonderful inspiration and motivator. Thank you.

  4. I love your blog because the advice is down-to-earth, non-pedantic, and you never ‘should’ on me. It doesn’t get any better than that, Anna.

  5. It is so great that the IWSG community is all about helping others. I think there will always be writers out there at every stage needing advice, so go for it. I know that I was way more confident when I was a newbie writer and now I’m way more insecure because I see how hard it really is to make it.

  6. You inspire me. I love learning about what you have learned in this writing journey. It makes me feel better knowing others struggle, have learned tricks and tips, and most important that you are sticking to it, despite the insecurities. That you are willing to put yourself out there and share, teach, or whatever.

    I also write sometimes about things I have learned, or what I am feeling. It is in that expression and appreciation from others that build my spirit, my hope and that, I too, can do this if I just show up, stick with it and persevere. Great Post.
    Juneta @ Writer’s Gambit

  7. I love reading your posts and how positive you always are not just about others but about you as well! We are all a work in progress regardless of what our “work” is. 😉

  8. Plot with your head. Write with your heart. Keep your spirit, joy and all the things that make you happy intact in the work you produce. Just do it. Good luck! And thanks for visiting my blog!

  9. I like the way you’re changing your blog. It’s your space. You should do what you want with it. I doubt you’ll come across as a know-it-all. I think you’ll be helpful.

  10. You’ve already integrated the best piece of advice: never stop learning. Even when you’ve been at it for a long time, there’s still more to learn. Don’t ever think you know all there is to know, because something new will come along. But it’s okay to share what you do know–that’s how other’s learn!

  11. Remember the line “If you build it, they will come”? Write what you love!

  12. Writing is most definitely a communal concern! We can’t just write in a vacuum and never expect to interact with or help anyone else. You should go ahead and help others with your information, since it’s so natural to want to convey your knowledge and passion to everyone.

  13. “…sharing my writing discoveries. I want to help others as I have been helped…” is such a wonderful gesture.
    I believe that what you put out in life, is what comes back to you. And you are so open and sincere that I doubt you’d come across as a know-it-all! 🙂

  14. Go for it! We all learn so many things along our writing journey. While you might not feel like an expert, one little tip or piece of advice could go a long way for someone. I love our writing community. I wouldn’t be where I am without them either. 🙂

  15. Great post; it’s honest. The decision to change the focus of your blog is a big one. I’ve done this twice and am finished. I’ve finally determined the focus of my blog. I’ve lost some and I’ve gained some, but for the most part my followers have remained constant. For me, I think it has to do with the fact that I share a lot of myself and my followers have come to actually like me. Plus I try to help others too. I think it’s great that you want to focus on helping others and feel as though readers will respond positively. Best of luck to you.

  16. Focus your blog on what inspires you. It’s the only way it’ll work. And you don’t have to be a super expert to give writing advice.

    Besides, I find that blogging about stuff I’ve learned about writing helps establish it more firmly in my own head. You’ll be learning even as you’re helping teach us. Keep it up!

  17. I love your theme of helping others. It will come back in waves. You never know what great connections you’re making or how much you helped someone else.
    Play off the Page

  18. I’d say to follow your heart. If you write what you’re passionate about, then writing it becomes easier. There’ll be less blockages about what you should write about. The well won’t run dry at all or if as often.

  19. Yes, yes, yes. I completely understand what you are saying about helping other writers on your blog. I see myself evolving into this desire too. I blame it on the teacher genes in me. My mom and grandmother were teachers and I taught elementary school too. Never stop teaching AND learning.

  20. I think you already do a great job supporting other writers–I’m sure the blog will only be an extension of that!

  21. I love helping other writers too, but I tend to do it more on Twitter. I don’t think you’d come off as a know-it-all by posting more about things you’ve learned. Others will probably appreciate it. Do what you feel is best.

  22. Thanks for visiting my blog! I won’t give up on my theme, and somehow it will still be fun.

    I agree that this community is phenomenal. You should definitely use your blog the way you want. There are so many people just starting this journey and it’s great to have a place to go and learn what you need to know.

  23. I don’t think you must be an “expert” on writing to write, to share or to help other writers. I think we all appreciate someone taking the time to answer questions, or just to be there when we need someone to turn to. And you do a good job of all of those things! Go for it Girl! We’ll all come visit I’m sure… Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ lisabuiecollard.com Thanks for coming by and commenting on my blog!

  24. Be yourself. If you’re passionate about something, then you should go for it. You could write something that another person needs to know. We all learn through our own experiences and each other. 🙂

  25. I think having a genuine want to help others will come across in any redesign. Plus, who cares about losing followers? You’ve got to write what you feel you’ve got to write. It’s that simple. Put your heart into it and you’ll be fine.

  26. I think it’s wonderful that you want to share what you’ve learned. Your passion is what will make it special and appreciated. I doubt you’ll lose followers, you’re engaging and educational. Bring it! 😉

  27. I love writing about writing. It’s my favorite thing to do and why I stared my blog. I enjoy your writing posts, Anna. 🙂

  28. You have to blog about what you’re passionate about, so go for it!

  29. I took writing course in college, but didn’t learn squat until I became active in blogging and following writing blogs. If this is what you want, go for it!

    • I hate to say it but the classroom hurt me more than helped me. The teachers were all about the rules, sacrificing voice and emotion. Poetry became my only outlet.

  30. I think I’ve learned more about the craft of writing from fellow bloggers than I did from books and courses (not to say those didn’t help get me started). A wonderfully supportive community.

  31. You’re already doing what your heart tells you to do, so all I can add is to be consistent about posting. If you post it, they will come. That applies to blogs as well as other fields of dreams. I ended up with a book blog after a few years of drifting between writing, editing, and publishing posts because my love of reading beat out everything else. And I think book reviews are as much help to authors as you can get for free.

  32. Well, judging by the great response you’ve received, I think you’ll do just fine as a writer who blogs about writing. 🙂

    Many people blog about writing, of course. The trick is to find a niche that’s authentically you. What do you have to say that will add to the conversation? As long as you’re passionate about it, you’ll be able to sustain it.

  33. “Always trust yourself and your own feeling…” R.M. Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet.

    You may lose some bloggers, but I’m sure you’ll gain new followers! Follow your passions; everything will fall into place. 🙂

  34. I think it’s so nice for you to want to help others. Sharing your writing advice is a great idea. You should write what you feel most strongly about. I’m looking forward to learning more!

  35. The blogging community is just awesome!

  36. Anna,
    Do you what you love and love what you do. I think you’re great at this and I love the positive energy.

  37. Your blog should be whatever you want it to be. I find it inspirational and encouraging. And tips on writing are always helpful no matter where a writer is in their journey.

  38. You’re so right; the online writing community is amazing. There are a lot of things I couldn’t have achieved without the support, advice, and expertise of my peers. My advice for your blog? Go for it. Follow your heart, and don’t fret over losing a few followers, you’re bound to pick up loads of new ones. Just remember that none of us ever stop learning. I’ve been writing for 30 years, and I learn new stuff every single day. Best of luck!

  39. Love this post, Anna! I was just reading over on Chuck Wendig’s blog last week, his advice about not blogging about writing. That then you pigeon-hole yourself as ‘that person who blogs about writing’ because not everybody is into that. So I duly tried to blog about something else this weekend – I wrote a whole page about other stuff – then when I went back to it, I felt bored reading it! Very unusual for me 🙂 So I started writing the post over again, instead this time I wrote about what’s been happening for me with my work-in-progress, and the words rushed out and I’m much happier with the resulting post. What I’m trying to say, is when you find the groove that works best for you, it doesn’t matter what anybody else says, it’s right for you. So keep going on this wonderful path you’ve discovered. It’s working, girlfriend! 🙂

If you're new to writing, ask me anything and if you're experienced, feel free to share what you know. Learning something new in the craft is always welcome.

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