IWSG 46: Dealing with Insecurity

I’m reposting my first IWSG post from May 2014 because I’m too ill to post an original. Let’s see how much I’ve changed. 🙂

link: https://emaginette.wordpress.com/2014/05/07/iwsg-1-dealing-with-insecurity/

InsecureWritersSupportGroupThis post was written for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group where we share our encouragement or insecurities on the first Wednesday of the month, to join the group or find out more, click here.

It comes in waves of harsh reality. I can’t do this and it doesn’t matter if it is in my blood or if I’ve written everyday for most of my life. It doesn’t mater that I spend hours imagining stories that entertained me. It doesn’t matter that I’ve learned how to write them down and share what I’ve learned with whomever wished to learn.

In between the waves I submit, letting the tide take me where it will.

Am I scared? Oh yes, but when something runs deeply it’s hard to keep it to yourself. It is harder to turn your back on it. I’m not saying I’m a great writer. I wish I was, but I do understand something about the greats of the human race. They all had this drive, and they kept going until their vision changed the world. I’m not arrogant enough to think I’ll be doing this, but I’ll be reaching for it.

It scares me like nothing else in my life has — the brass ring, the open window, the big chance. It’s there and I can see it beyond my fingertips. I’m not alone. So many hands, and so many chances, yet we stand together like an army trying for greatness. And I wonder which of us will find it.

There is no doubt that some of us will.

I don’t care who makes it. To be a part of such a community is pleasure enough. I love the creativity, excitement, and will until the day I die.

Being an insecure writer is who I am and until the last few years I kept it to myself. With the internet I’ve discovered I’m not alone. Many of us bob along between the waves of bravery and terror.

If you are part of this, be excited, be afraid and love every moment of it. You’re alive and doing something truly remarkable. I face my fears, as you do, and every time I submit I jump in over my head, wondering what will happen next.

Now that I have found you, hold my hand and let’s jump together.

46 responses to “IWSG 46: Dealing with Insecurity

  1. Hope you feel better soon. I enjoyed your first post. Yes, it’s good to know we’re not alone.

  2. Yes, feel better soon. Enjoyed reading your first post. I can definitely relate.

  3. Feel better soon, Anna!

  4. I hope you’ll feel better soon!

  5. I’ve been feeling this kind of self-doubt as well – it can be hard to keep that drive going at times, to keep the belief that our own ideas are worthy of time and attention.

  6. Wow! That was your first post? Wonderful expression of how much we all help each other and feel the warmth and comfort from being in a caring group like IWSG. I’m holding your hand and jumping in! Hope you feel much better soon.
    JQ Rose

  7. I love this Anna! Still true for so many of us. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  8. You wrote words in 2014 that have spoken to my heart today. I write because that who I am, a writer that writes why she sees life differently and believe that dreams come true.
    Get well soon, my dear.
    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat G

  9. Feel better soon. Don’t think insecurity ever fades away. No matter how many years writing and with all the great support around you it can still read its ugly head. But at least we all have each other to get through it.

  10. Take care, Anna! I hope you feel better soon.

  11. The only thing worse than being sick is being sick while you’re depressed about something. That’s the great thing about this group; the support is so great. Hope you feel better.

  12. Oh no, sorry you are sick! I hope you feel better soon.

  13. Feel better soon. It sucks to be ill.

  14. Love this post, Anna. We are in this together. You have confirmed all of our sensations. Get better soon!

  15. Angela Wooldridge

    Empathise with your first post (and beautifully written, too). Hope you feel better soon 🙂

  16. I don’t know if you’d change anything especially since you said it so well the first time.
    Sorry you’re so sick.

  17. Loni Townsend

    I hope you feel better soon! It was a wonderful repost.

  18. Feel better soon. 🙂
    sherry @ fundinmental

  19. Sorry to hear you’re sick. Feel better soon.

  20. I’m so sorry to hear you’re unwell, Anna. Hope you’re back on your feet pronto. Great sentiment in this piece 🙂

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