Toolbox 27: Creating a Writer’s Nest

This post was written for the Author Toolbox Blog Hop where we share our new discoveries on the craft of writing, editing, querying, marketing, publishing, and blogging tips. Posted every third Wednesday of the month. For rules and sign-up click here.


I was reading a book.

Okay, okay. Stop rolling your eyes.

I know we all do that

This book cut to the crux of an issue that I’ve read about, but never incorporated into my writing life.

Inspired from

Soul Between the Lines by Dorothy Randall Gray touched on how to create an inspirational work space.  She has a spiritual approach which isn’t for everyone, but some of her suggestions hit home.


I‘ve heard this before some people take the time to make a playlist to set the mood and mindset for their story. She suggested the music is simple and without lyrics.

I don’t use music often, but I’ve listened to crickets, rain, birdsong, thunderstorms, and crashing waves through YouTube.

It does help me focus.

Aroma therapy

Dorothy loved scented candles and I get that. I prefer a diffuser with essential oils. You may prefer incense, smudging or just an open window.

Hey, whatever works.

Objects that inspire.

I thought long and hard about this. When I worked in an office, almost everyone had pictures of their favorite people, places or things. I loved dragons and had some postcards sitting center stage.

Others had bobble heads or a little collection of McDonald’s toys which made me think of Yondu played by Michael Rooker. His little row of characters on his captain station.

Crazy! Right?

Not one workspace has the same thing. Something to consider. Add whatever touches your heart or awakes your muse.

Meditation or Yoga

We all start cold with a cursor waiting to move along the screen or a page waiting for some ink. Before you attempt to write a word…

Here comes some spiritual stuff.

…take a moment to let your thoughts slide through you. Don’t let any of them take root. Breathe. Stretch. Relax. Feel the energy in the room. Let it fill you up with pure white energy.

Release it through your skin.

Free Writing

First thought. Write it down. Same with the second. Third. The page isn’t so empty…

Now, on to your project.

I’ve read posts like this, so I get it if not all of it is for you.

I related to what Dorothy said. The more comfortable my working environment; the better I did.

The words came and the pages filled up.

How about you. Any other suggestions on building the perfect writing nest?

52 responses to “Toolbox 27: Creating a Writer’s Nest

  1. I like aromatherapy too, and always prefer to be near a window. Sunlight helps me too.

  2. My perfect writing nest is either the bathtub or the deck. Depends on the season. 🙂

  3. Great post. Setting the mood is important. And you included lots of great ideas! TY for sharing!

  4. I like to read what I’ve written out loud. It helps me feel what I’ve written.And I have some figurines that surround me. I change them out at times.

  5. Thanks for sharing.

    I’ve gotten into the habit of making playlists for my WIPs. It definitely helps to set the mood and the words just flow better, flow period, when I’m writing with music playing in the background. Free writing is helpful too. Usually do so in the pre-plot stage or when I’m stuck somewhere in the story. I just shut my brain off, stop thinking, and just write what comes to me. Used to have have famous writer quotes as my screen saver. And at work I have have two quotes, by J.K. Rowling and Hayao Miyazaki, taped to my PC.

    Aroma therapy is new to me. and if I’d known about the meditation/yoga think my writing slump in 2019 wouldn’t have lasted so long. Now I’m thinking of trying that before I write.

  6. All of these are good ideas. The one that really resonated with me is the ‘objects that inspire’. I love glancing over at something that inspires an emotion. Thanks, Anna.

  7. Music is my mood setter, for sure. I can play one song over and over if I’m writing a certain scene. Great post.

  8. Great information. My husband and I share the desk space, so I don’t have my own area to write. I move around to the kitchen counter, dining room table, recliner, deck, etc. They all have windows and open spaces in common. I read an article cautioning us not to open email or get on the internet first thing in the morning. Instead, read a poem/book, free writing, etc. It gets your mind to focus.
    JQ Rose

  9. Hmmm yes! Having a cozy workspace can really get you in the right mind! For me it’s tea, a blanket, and I started getting up early in the morning, which at first was hard but has ended up being really nice! I love the quiet. Thanks for the reminders about these essentials. Happy writing!

  10. thanks for sharing. ya never know when i’ll sit down and write a story myself
    sherry @ fundinmental

  11. I’m currently cleaning my writing nest, a combination of spring cleaning and down time between writing projects. This includes dumping/donating things that have accumulated and no longer serve me. My last project took place in a beach town, and I found listening to surf sounds (thanks, YouTube) much more helpful than listening to music.

  12. I think one of the hardest things is hitting on that right balance between creative and distractive space. But when you hit that sweet spot it is awesome. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. I love music and even listen to get my writing mojo going, but I can’t actually listen while writing. LOL The aroma, objects, and spiritual prep with meditation are all great prep ideas. Thanks!

  14. Soul Between the Lines is kind of a brilliant title in a crowded craft book market. Great post, Anna!

  15. I have my Star Wars around me and notebooks. My area is so small not room for much. I been thinking about how I can make my space more inspiring.

  16. AuthorSarahKrewis

    I have my own room including a queen sized bed in it. I’m blessed my littles still want to share a room. It’s been peaceful but despite living in Hawaii, I’d give nothing more to live in a cabin and write on the back porch during a rain storm. That’s my ideal writing space. What a great post!

  17. Sounds cozy and inspiring. Yes, I’ve read about these mood settings before as well. Hard to incorporate in my 19ft camper. I require no noise and zero distractions, just me and my thoughts. My best work nest is an empty nest. 🙂

  18. Objects that inspire are all around us.
    But don’t forget pictures and words that inspire, hitting us from out of the blue.
    I ran across this on pinterest, and had a writer’s prompt moment, which I put in the comments.

  19. Good ideas all. It helps me to get away from background noise and just concentrate on the craft.

  20. Great post. I was surprised that I already do many of these things. My music has to have words though, but to each her own. I may have to add a diffuser or candle.

  21. Oh, I love this! I truly believe that environment/setting has a huge effect on our writing! I’m really excited because our basement in is the process of getting finished and I’m getting my very own office! I hadn’t thought of aroma therapy, but now that you mention it, I will definitely be incorporating that into my new setting! I plan to have an entire wall of framed motivational quotes or words, along with some of my own art work to remind me to keep going.
    Great post!

  22. Great post! I do use music to help get me in the writing mood. I’m one that has a playlist for each project. I’ve not tried aromatherapy but I should. I did feel better when I was doing yoga, but like with a lot of things, it fell to the wayside. Thanks for the reminder.

  23. I love this. A writing nest is exactly what I need…

  24. Ronel Janse van Vuuren

    Great tips!
    My writing cave is painted a violent shade of magenta, I added a chandelier, a floor to ceiling bookcase filled with books in my genre, thunderstorms as the soundtrack and an open window for fresh air — and Rottweilers to keep me company 🙂 I do have various playlists for writing certain scenes. And, of course, there’s always a glass of water to sip from.

  25. I don’t have a set writing space at the moment but I think when I do, I’d like to have some maps on the walls. Real or imaginary.

  26. I do some of these. I have some eucalyptus essential oils and listen to Bach from Accuradio. My writing office also has pictures and memories, along with my little dog, Shakespeare, laying in his bed. 😀

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